Account-based marketing

Flip the funnel and focus on high-potential accounts.

The traditional lead funnel combines inbound marketing with demand generation to create an ongoing approach that influences perception, awareness, and demand. While performance marketing captures active demand, account-based marketing (ABM) flips the funnel by defining target accounts in advance.

Once these accounts are identified, engagement efforts are directed towards C-level executives and stakeholders to increase awareness and demand within the target audience.

The key question is not which approach to choose, but how to combine them effectively. To achieve this, data and insights are crucial.

Get in touch. We’ll show you how to connect everything! Link CRM, marketing automation, website, and all your tools to a central dashboard for greater visibility, insight, and conversion tracking.

AB - Flip the funnel with Account-Based Marketing - Macon Raine is a performance marketing agency

ABM Services


Services include:

  • Total addressable market (TAM) study
  • Account planning – discover your growth and sales potential by industries and offering portfolio
  • Analysis and custom filtering – analyze your revenue and potential with traditional metrics
  • Companies and offering views – increase your up- and cross-sell with account and ABM-tools
  • KPIs and trends – understand your big picture from one view

Recurring performance creative

Creative Services

Optimize your ads through iterative weekly and monthly testing. By examining your current data, our creative team builds performance-focused creative that’s optimized weekly or monthly. We formulate hypotheses and build various creative assets to help validate and optimize our creative assumptions through iterative testing.

  • Ongoing Weekly or Monthly Iterations
  • Creative Strategy
  • Robust Testing
  • Conceptual Development
  • Creative Production / Redesign and Iteration

    Managed ABM Services

    ABM Campaigns 

    Find more enterprise leads and convert them faster with content that resonates. Engage buyers on their terms with tailored, relevant campaigns.

    Attribution and managed marketing operations help you track marketing performance in one place. Other services include:

    • Target definition and ICP development
    • Alignment of sales and marketing
    • Tailored messaging for each account
    • Content personalization
    • Channel selection

    Discover the latest data, insights, and inspiration from Macon Raine

    Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

    Managed Marketing Operations

    Ensure marketing activities are aligned with business goals and executed effectively to drive revenue growth.

    Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

    Account Based Marketing

    Flip the funnel and identify target accounts to increase awareness and demand. Combine ABM with other tactics for maximum impact.

    Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

    Data-Driven Website Redesign

    Don’t redesign your website, improve conversion on the 10% of pages that get 90% of your traffic.

    macon Raine