Marketing Data and Measurement

Experiment intelligently.

Marketing data and measurement

Transform insight into action.

Work with Macon Raine to analyze your marketing program from top to bottom and deliver strategic recommendations that drive long-term ROI.  With marketing data and measurement services from maconRaine, we’ll help you…

  • Invest marketing dollars with confidence and scale your marketing program for growth.
  • Get closer to your data with a complete data model of your digital marketing efforts.
  • Build custom dashboards using Tableau, Looker, or whatever tool you prefer.
  • Achieve a better understanding of attribution and funnel metrics.
  • Understand your marketing spend, trends, and growth opportunities.
  • Go beyond clicks and conversions with CRM analysis that uncovers profit opportunities in LTV and Churn trends.
Data driven website redesign and iteration - Performance Marketing agency, digital marketing team, Macon Raine iteration - Performance Marketing Agency

Connect everything to a single portal! Link CRM, marketing automation, website, and all your tools to a central dashboard for greater visibility, insight, and event and conversion tracking.

Discover the latest data, insights, and inspiration from Macon Raine

Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

Managed Marketing Operations

Ensure marketing activities are aligned with business goals and executed effectively to drive revenue growth.

Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

Account Based Marketing

Flip the funnel and identify target accounts to increase awareness and demand. Combine ABM with other tactics for maximum impact.

Managed Marketing Operations and Marketing Automation

Data-Driven Website Redesign

Don’t redesign your website, improve conversion on the 10% of pages that get 90% of your traffic.

macon Raine