Accelerate web design projects by combining Atomic Design principles with DIVI for WordPress

Combining Atomic Design principles with Divi for WordPress can significantly accelerate web design projects by promoting reusability, consistency, and scalability. Here’s how you can apply these principles effectively:

  • Establish a Design System:
    • Atoms (Basic Elements): Define your website’s basic building blocks. In Divi, this includes setting up universal styles for text elements (headings, body text), buttons, images, and form inputs. Use the Divi Theme Customizer to set global styles for these elements, ensuring consistency across the site.

  • Create Reusable Components
    • Molecules (Grouped Elements): Combine atoms into functional groups that can be reused. For example, a contact form on Divi might consist of input fields, a submit button, and validation messages. Create these as a single module and save it to the Divi Library for reuse across multiple pages.
    • Organisms (Complex UI Sections): Organisms in Divi could be entire website sections, such as headers, footers, or product feature blocks. Design these using Divi’s section and row structures, incorporating the molecules you have created. Once perfected, save these organisms to the Divi Library.
  • Assemble Templates
    • Templates (Page Structures): Divi allows you to create and save entire page templates that include multiple organisms. These templates should represent the basic structure of common page types, like home pages, product pages, or blog articles. By starting with a template, you can maintain design consistency and significantly reduce the time needed to create new pages.

  • Build Pages
    • Pages (Complete Interfaces): Construct full pages by importing your templates and then modifying them as necessary for specific content needs. This step is where you tailor each page to the content it needs to display, but because you are starting with a pre-designed template, the process is much faster.

  • Streamline Workflow with Global Settings
    • Utilize Divi’s global settings to manage changes across all instances of a particular module or element. If you need to change the style of all buttons on the site, for example, you can simply adjust the global button settings, and all buttons in the site will update automatically.

  • Use Dynamic Content
    • To further enhance efficiency, use Divi’s dynamic content features to populate content in your templates automatically. This is especially useful for areas like blog posts, event listings, or product descriptions, where content updates frequently.

  • Continuous Iteration
    • Finally, refine your atoms, molecules, and organisms based on feedback and evolving design needs. Divi makes it easy to adjust components and propagate those changes across all instances where they are used

By applying Atomic Design principles within Divi, you create a highly efficient workflow that not only speeds up the project development process but also ensures a high level of consistency and quality across your web designs. This approach allows designers and developers to focus more on user experience and less on repetitive design tasks.

If you are ready to evolve your digital presence, get in touch. We specialize in Creative Data-Driven (Re)Design.

We’ve helped some of the world’s top companies – start-ups, mid-market, Fortune 1000s – find new customers.

Our B2B domain and industry knowledge is deep and broad—we’ve worked in payments, cloud, professional services, higher education, manufacturing, distribution, SaaS, life science, security, non-profits (especially Google Grants Administration), and more.

We love to experiment and find creative ways for brands to make their impact and reach the right audiences at the right time.

Let’s talk.

Ready to evolve your digital presence? We can help.

  • Subject matter experts
  • Communicative team
  • Data-driven (re)designers
  • Collaborative development process



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