Divi and Atomic Design Accelerates Website Redesign Projects

How can you use Divi and Atomic Design principles to build websites faster? 

Integrating Atomic Design principles with Divi for WordPress can significantly accelerate web (re)design projects by promoting reusability, consistency, and scalability. Here’s how you can apply these principles effectively:

  • Establish a Design System/Atoms (Basic Elements): Define your website’s basic building blocks. In Divi, this includes setting up universal styles for text elements (headings, body text), buttons, images, and form inputs. Use the Divi Theme Customizer to set global styles for these elements, ensuring consistency across the site.
  • Create Reusable Components/ Molecules & Organisms (Grouped Elements): Combine atoms into functional groups that can be reused. For example, a contact form on Divi might consist of input fields, a submit button, and validation messages. Create these as a single module and save it to the Divi Library for reuse across multiple pages. Organisms in Divi could be entire sections of the website, such as headers, footers, or product feature blocks. Design these using Divi’s section and row structures, incorporating the molecules you’ve created. Once perfected, save these organisms to the Divi Library.
  • Assemble Templates/Templates (Page Structures): Use Divi’s ability to create and save entire page templates that include multiple organisms. These templates should represent the basic structure of common page types, like home pages, product pages, or blog articles. By starting with a template, you can maintain design consistency and significantly reduce the time needed to create new pages.
  • Build Pages/Pages (Complete Interfaces): Construct full pages by importing your templates and then modifying them as necessary for specific content needs. This step is where you tailor each page to the content it needs to display, but because you are starting with a pre-designed template, the process is much faster.
  • Streamline Workflow with Global Settings: Utilize Divi’s global settings to manage changes across all instances of a particular module or element. If you need to change the style of all buttons on the site, for example, you can simply adjust the global button settings, and all buttons in the site will update automatically.
  • Use Dynamic Content: Use Divi’s dynamic content features to populate content in your templates automatically. This is especially useful for blog posts, event listings, or product descriptions, where content updates frequently.
  • Continuous Iteration: Refine your atoms, molecules, and organisms based on feedback and evolving design needs. Divi makes it easy to adjust components and propagate those changes across all instances where they are used.

By combining Atomic Design principles with Divi, you create a highly efficient workflow that speeds up the project development process and ensures a high level of consistency and quality across your web designs. This approach allows designers and developers to focus more on user experience and less on repetitive design tasks. 

Bypass The Traditional Wireframe Process With Divi For WordPress

It takes the same time to create wireframes in Figma as it does to create working designs in Divi. Using Divi for WordPress allows you to bypass the traditional wireframe process and move directly to creating working designs more efficiently. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Pre-designed Layouts: Divi comes with a vast library of pre-designed layouts covering a wide range of industries and website types. You can choose a layout that closely matches your vision and customize it as needed, skipping the need to create a design from scratch.
  • Global Elements and Styles: Set up global elements and styles for your website. This includes headers, footers, fonts, and color schemes. By defining these elements globally, you can ensure consistency across your site and expedite the design process, as you won’t need to style these components on each new page.
  • Copy and Paste Styles: Divi allows you to copy and paste styles from one element to another. If you’ve styled a module (like a text module or a button) and want to use the same styling elsewhere, simply right-click on the module, copy its styles, and paste them onto another module. This feature is a significant time-saver.
  • Wireframe View in Visual Builder: While the goal is to bypass wireframing, Divi’s Wireframe View can be useful for quickly arranging modules and sections without focusing on design details. It provides a simplified view of the page structure, which can be fleshed out in the design phase.
  • Efficient Module Customization: Divi’s modules are highly customizable. You can adjust nearly every aspect of a module’s design directly from the visual builder without needing to touch any code. This allows for rapid iteration and testing of design ideas.
  • Dynamic Content: Utilize Divi’s dynamic content features to automatically populate content from your WordPress site. This is particularly useful for things like blog posts, portfolios, and product pages, where content needs to be updated regularly.
  • Save and Reuse Custom Modules: If you create a custom module or layout that you believe will be useful on other pages or projects, save it to the Divi Library. You can then reuse these custom modules in new pages, which speeds up the development process significantly.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Learning and using Divi’s keyboard shortcuts can speed up your workflow considerably. Shortcuts for saving, opening settings, copying styles, and more can make the page building process faster and more efficient.

By leveraging these features and strategies within Divi, you can streamline the website creation process. Creative data-driven redesign with Divi helps you move quickly from concept to completed design without the traditional steps of wireframing and lengthy revisions. 

Combine The Principles Of Atomic Design With A Waterfall Web Design Methodology

Combining a waterfall web design methodology with Atomic Design principles offers several benefits that enhance the efficiency, consistency, and scalability of web development projects. Here are the key advantages:

  • Waterfall Offers a Structured and Predictable Process: Waterfall methodology is known for its linear, step-by-step approach, which provides a clear and predictable process. Each phase must be completed before the next begins, allowing for thorough planning and execution. This structure helps in managing large-scale projects effectively.


  • Consistency and Reusability: Atomic Design breaks down the design into fundamental elements (atoms) and combines them into larger, reusable components (molecules and organisms). This approach ensures a consistent look and feel across the website, as the same components are used throughout. It also streamlines development and facilitates easier updates and scalability.


  • Efficient Resource Management: By defining all design components (atoms, molecules, and organisms) early in the Waterfall process, resources can be allocated more efficiently. Developers and designers have a clear understanding of what needs to be created and can work more effectively without the need for significant revisions.


  • Enhanced Quality Assurance: Incorporating Atomic Design into the Waterfall methodology simplifies the testing process. Each component an be tested individually and part of the whole system. This structured testing ensures the final product is robust and functions as intended across different devices and browsers.


  • Improved Collaboration: The clear definitions and reusable components of Atomic Design provide a common language for team members. This clarity facilitates better communication and collaboration among designers, developers, and stakeholders throughout the Waterfall process.


  • Faster Time to Market: Although Waterfall is often criticized for its potentially slow pace due to its sequential nature, the integration of Atomic Design can counteract this by allowing parallel development tasks. For instance, while the design team works on refining molecules and organisms, the development team can begin coding the already approved atoms.


  • Adaptability and Scalability: With a design system in place, adding new pages or features becomes much easier and faster. Designers and developers can utilize existing atoms and molecules to create new layouts, ensuring that the site can grow and evolve without losing its core identity or consistency.


  • Focus on User Experience: Starting with the most minor components ensures that every aspect of the user interface is considered, leading to a more intuitive and user-friendly website. This methodology encourages a user-centered design approach, aligning the website’s functionality with user needs and expectations.

By combining these methodologies, organizations can leverage the benefits of both structured project management and flexible, scalable design to create high-quality web experiences that meet strategic business goals and provide a superior user experience.

How Macon Raine Uses Atomic Design with Divi for WordPress

At maconRaine, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality websites within efficient timeframes. That’s why we use Atomic Design principles in conjunction with Divi for WordPress. This powerful combination allows us to create a structured design system that promotes reusability, consistency, and scalability – ultimately leading to faster development cycles and exceptional websites.

Building the Foundation: Atoms and the Power of Divi’s Customization

The first step in the Atomic Design process involves identifying the fundamental building blocks of your website – the atoms. In the context of Divi, these atoms represent the most basic stylistic elements.  This could include:

  • Divi Text Options: Define universal styles for headlines, body text, and any custom text elements you create within Divi.
  • Button Styles: Establish a consistent look and feel for buttons across your entire website.
  • Module Styling: Set up default styles for frequently used Divi modules like call to action sections, testimonials, and pricing tables.
  • Form Element Design: Create a cohesive style for form fields, buttons, and error messages to ensure a smooth user experience.

By utilizing Divi’s theme customizer, we can effortlessly define these atomic styles and ensure consistency throughout the design process. This eliminates the need for repetitive styling on a page-by-page basis.

Combining Atoms into Functional Groups: Creating Reusable Molecules

Once the atomic building blocks are in place, we can start combining them to create functional groups, or molecules. These molecules represent reusable components that serve a specific purpose on your website. Here are some examples of Divi modules that can be transformed into reusable molecules:

  • Call to Action Sections: Combine a button, compelling text, and an icon to create a molecule that can be strategically placed throughout your website to drive conversions.
  • Testimonial Sliders: Design a visually appealing slider showcasing client testimonials as a molecule, ready to be integrated into various pages.
  • Team Member Profiles: Develop a standardized team member profile layout that incorporates images, bios, and social media links – a reusable molecule for your “About Us” page and other sections.

By creating and saving these molecules within the Divi Library, we can streamline the design process and ensure consistency across different pages.

Constructing Complex Sections: Leveraging Divi’s Structure for Organisms

The next stage involves combining molecules with layout elements like sections and rows to form even more complex website sections – the organisms.  Divi’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to structure these organisms, which could include:

  • Headers: Design a cohesive header organism incorporating your logo, navigation menu, and potentially a search bar.
  • Footers: Develop a reusable footer organism that includes contact information, social media links, and copyright information.
  • Product Feature Blocks: Create a standardized product feature block showcasing product images, descriptions, and benefits – a versatile organism for product pages and landing pages.

Once perfected, these organisms are also saved within the Divi Library, ready to be seamlessly integrated into page templates.

This structured approach ensures that your website maintains a consistent visual identity while allowing for flexibility in layout and content.

Content Management and Collaboration

Divi’s built-in content management system allows for user-friendly editing through the Divi visual editor or Divi Content Builder.  This ensures you can keep your website fresh and up-to-date without requiring extensive technical knowledge.  We also utilize collaboration features within Divi to facilitate seamless communication and feedback exchange throughout the design process.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Before launching your website, Macon Raine meticulously tests it across various devices and browsers to ensure optimal responsiveness and functionality.  We perform comprehensive checks on forms, links, and other interactive elements to guarantee a smooth user experience.

Launch and Ongoing Support

Macon Raine handles the entire website launch process, including domain registration, hosting setup, and website migration (if applicable).  We also offer ongoing support plans to ensure your website remains secure and up-to-date with the latest technologies.

Creative Redesign: Building Websites that Work for You

By combining the power of Atomic Design with Divi for WordPress, Macon Raine delivers exceptional websites that are visually stunning, efficient, scalable, and user-centric. Our structured approach minimizes repetitive tasks, allowing our design team to focus on crafting an exceptional user experience for your target audience.

Let Macon Raine help you build a website that gets results. Contact us today for a consultation and learn how we can transform your online presence.


