Google Grant Services for Non-Profits

If your 501c3 is new to search advertising or if you know your way around, Google Ad Grants makes it easy and INEXPENSIVE to launch effective campaigns, with advertising solutions designed for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes.

To qualify for a Google Ad Grant, your organization must:

  • Begin by applying to Google for Nonprofits.
  • Hold valid charity status. Please see the Google For Nonprofits site for definitions of charity status in your country.
  • Acknowledge and agree to Google’s required certifications regarding nondiscrimination and donation receipt and use.
  • Have a live website with substantial content.
  • Governmental entities and organizations, hospitals and medical groups, schools, academic institutions, and universities are not eligible for Google for Nonprofits, but philanthropic arms of educational institutions are eligible.

If you are new to Google Adwords, or if you have you have limited time to manage your Ad Grants account, Adwords Express saves you time by automatically managing where and when your ads appear. Pick your audience, write three lines of text about your nonprofit, set your daily budget, and Adwords Express does the rest.

If you are comfortable with Adwords, you can manage every aspect of your Ad Grants account yourself.  AdWords provides access to powerful tools to create, target, and optimize your campaigns. If you prefer to manage your campaigns yourself, this choice is probably best for you.

Of course, Google Adwords Grants have some important guidelines you should always consider

  • Your ads will be entirely text-based (no videos or images).
  • They’ll appear only on Google search results pages, in positions below the ads of paying advertisers.
  • All campaigns must be keyword-targeted.
  • Your maximum cost-per-click (CPC) will be $2.00 USD.
  • You’ll receive $10,000 USD (up to $40,000 USD for Grantspro participants) of in-kind AdWords advertising each month.

Google has provided more than 35,000 nonprofits with the grant. Their policies have also recently changed to add clarity and raise standards of quality for our free advertising grants. These updates are effective January 1, 2018 for all Ad Grantees.  Please note that Google primarily uses in-product notifications to communicate personalized suggestions as well as notifications of non-compliance.   To learn more about Google Grants, look out for upcoming live stream / webinars, local events, outreach in Google’s online community forum, as well as tailored help content to support you more.

Along with the policies specific to Ad Grants, all Ad Grants accounts need to follow standard AdWords policies as well.



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