Why was your Google AdGrant canceled?

Was your Google Ad Grant canceled?

If so, it may be your content.

Your website must have high-quality content and be functional. What does this mean? If you are new to the Google Ad Grant, it requires a clear description of your non-profit mission. Your website must not contain broken links. It must load quickly.

On top of that, you must use geo-targeting. For instance, if you serve a local community in Indiana, you can’t include Alaska.

There are other restrictions. you must have two active ad groups per campaign (with closely related keywords) and two active text ads. You also need to have two site link extensions as well.

Watch the Click-Through Rate

Your account’s CTR must be above five percent. If it isn’t, find which keywords, groups, campaigns, or ads are driving you down the most and pause them. If they are not working, remove them. Add new campaigns each month with a focus on maintaining a 5% CTR.

Useful Links From Google

Action Items and Tips

  • Your first task should be to identify those keywords getting a lot of impressions but a low CTR and delete them.
  • Cut, cut, cut keywords that are not performing. The further away from 5%, the more you should cut.
  • Put your top performing keywords into single keyword groups. Ads in those groups must contain the exact same keyword in the ad text.
  • Focus on your quality score. Is the wording of your ads similar to the keywords that trigger them? If not, you are likely to get a low CTR, and also a low Quality Score which makes it less likely your ads will get shown.
  • Create an ad group tightly focused on your brand, with your branded keywords including the name of your organization. This competes with organic search but it will generate a high CTR.
  • Focus. Don’t throw every keyword at the wall, build your campaigns slowly and match the language they use in searches.
  • Kill any keyword with a low quality score.

Google Ad Grant Success – Maximize Conversions

Do you struggle to get impressions because your organization works in a competitive field where other advertisers can afford to bid much more? You are no longer limited to the Manual bidding strategy, where you specify a bid amount of $2. You can now use the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy, and the good news is that if Adwords thinks you’re worthy enough, your keywords can automatically bid well above $2. From my personal experience, approximately 8% of keywords bid over $2—enough to make it worthwhile.

Google Ad Grant Suspended? We’re here to help.

If your Google Grant was suspended, get in touch. For advice on how to comply with the new rules, give us a call.



macon Raine