Section 508 Compliance News – August 2023

Section 508 Compliance News – August 2023 Ensuring accessibility and usability for all individuals, including those with disabilities, is a fundamental commitment. The Revised 508 Standards set clear guidelines and requirements for information and communication...

Our “no stupid deals” policy

Woo hoo! You reap what you sow. A client we once walked away from just hired us.  She appreciated our no-stupid-deals policy. Doing the right thing sometimes hurts. No one wants to say “no” to a new deal. No one wants to walk away from revenue. But...

Collaborative Work Management Resources

A COLLECTION OF COLLABORATIVE WORK MANAGEMENT RESOURCES What is collaborative work management? Collaborative work management platforms typically enable employees and contractors to conduct work-related discussions, access, and share business documents and data, and...
Content Marketing Playbook

Content Marketing Playbook

The Macon Raine Content Marketing Playbook explains the six stages of content marketing success, each of which will prepare you to develop a content marketing plan that will align with and support your company’s goals and objectives. STRATEGERY: Identify Objectives...